5.6. Exporting data

Wireshark provides several ways and formats to export packet data. This section describes general ways to export data from Wireshark.


There are more specialized functions to export specific data, which will be described at the appropriate places.

XXX - add detailed descriptions of the output formats and some sample output, too.

5.6.1. The "Export as Plain Text File" dialog box

Export packet data into a plain ASCII text file, much like the format used to print packets.

Figure 5.11. The "Export as Plain Text File" dialog box

The "Export as Plain Text File" dialog box

5.6.2. The "Export as PostScript File" dialog box

Export packet data into PostScript, much like the format used to print packets.


You can easily convert PostScript files to PDF files using ghostscript. For example: export to a file named foo.ps and then call: ps2pdf foo.ps

Figure 5.12. The "Export as PostScript File" dialog box

The "Export as PostScript File" dialog box

5.6.3. The "Export as CSV (Comma Separated Values) File" dialog box

XXX - add screenshot

Export packet summary into CSV, used e.g. by spreadsheet programs to im-/export data.

5.6.4. The "Export as PSML File" dialog box

Export packet data into PSML. This is an XML based format including only the packet summary.

Figure 5.13. The "Export as PSML File" dialog box

The "Export as PSML File" dialog box

There's no such thing as a packet details frame for PSML export, as the packet format is defined by the PSML specification.

5.6.5. The "Export as PDML File" dialog box

Export packet data into PDML. This is an XML based format including the packet details. The PDML file specification is available at: PDML specification.


The PDML specification is not officially released and Wireshark's implementation of it is still in an early beta state, so please expect changes in future Wireshark versions.

Figure 5.14. The "Export as PDML File" dialog box

The "Export as PDML File" dialog box

There's no such thing as a packet details frame for PDML export, as the packet format is defined by the PDML specification.

5.6.6. The "Export selected packet bytes" dialog box

Export the bytes selected in the "Packet Bytes" pane into a raw binary file.

Figure 5.15. The "Export Selected Packet Bytes" dialog box

The "Export Selected Packet Bytes" dialog box

  • Name: the filename to export the packet data to.

  • The Save in folder: field lets you select the folder to save to (from some predefined folders).

  • Browse for other folders provides a flexible way to choose a folder.